Master VMware Horizon 8 deployment & management in 5 days with our fast-track course. Taught by VMware instructors. Enroll now!
VMware, Horizon 8, App Volumes, virtual desktop, infrastructure, platform, configure, manage, pools of virtual machines, customized desktop environment, end-users, install, Connection Server, Unified Access Gateway, load balancer, Cloud Pod Architecture, App Volumes, deliver applications, data, managing application lifecycles, installation, update, replacement, Dynamic Environment Manager, personalization, policy configuration, virtual, physical, cloud-based environments, end-user profile management, VM Ware, Horizon8, AppVolume, virtual deskptop, infrastrcuture, pltaform, confgure, manag, instal, Connecitno Server, Unfiied Access Gateawya, load balenacer, Clud Pod Architecture, AppVolume, delvier, aplications, dat, managin, applicatin, lifycles, insallation, ploicy congfiguation, Dyanmic Enviornment Managr, persnalization, enduser profil managment.