Gain the skills needed to solve real-world software programming problems to quickly deliver reliable applications that realize the quality goals of Agile development. In this .NET Best Practices and Design Patterns training course, you will identify and apply the most modern of design patterns and architectures available for .NET – from lazy singletons to asynchronous adapters. Following a "separation of concerns" approach, you will learn to write C# code that is much more maintainable, flexible and resilient.
.NET Training Delivery Methods
.NET Training Course Benefits
Solve complex programming problems using design patternsDeliver bug-free code using test-driven development in Visual StudioCreate layered architectures for reusability and to eliminate functional duplicationApply the S.O.L.I.D. principles for better class design
.NET Course Outline
You should have experience:
- Working with Visual Studio
- Using object-oriented concepts
- Building .NET applications in Visual Basic, C#, or C++
Applying simple interfaces to intricate algorithms
- Unifying interfaces from subsystems for ease of use and reusability
- Implementing the Facade pattern
Varying functionality by programming to interfaces
- Creating abstractions to enhance application adaptability and flexibility
- Exploiting the Strategy pattern
Extending object behavior dynamically
- Increasing functionality without impacting existing code
- Composing objects with the Decorator pattern
Achieving reuse and flexibility
- Eliminating code duplication by outlining an algorithm
- Employing the Template Method pattern
Interfacing incompatible classes
- Transforming an interface to add value to existing code
- Harnessing the Adapter pattern
Automating unit testing
- Shortening development cycles with automated tests
- Eliminating regression errors with reusable tests
Integrating testing and coding
- Applying the test–first programming practice
- Generating immediate red–green feedback for increased code quality and shortened feature development cycles
- Organizing, coordinating and running test cases
- Isolating a class test environment with the Mock–Object pattern for reliable and repeatable testing
- Tracking the Red–Green–Refactor rhythm for feedback
Refactoring code to improve design
- Improving design with behavior preserving refactorings
- Eliminating code duplication by refactoring to patterns
Designing the application architecture
- Layering architectures for reusability, durability and scalability
- Decoupling object creation with the Factory pattern
- Preserving object identity with the Identity Map pattern
Programming application tiers
- Isolating UI layers with the MVC and MVVM patterns
- Organizing state–rich applications with the State pattern
- Restructuring database tables without impacting code
Modeling a business area
- Liberating rich Business Object Models from database structures using the Domain Model pattern
- Mapping rich Business Objects to database tables with the Data Mapper pattern
- Collapsing Business Object hierarchies with the Inheritance Mapper pattern
- Exploiting declarative programming in Microsoft Entity Framework to implement Data Mapping classes
Organizing and implementing business logic
- Managing Persistence Ignorant Entity types with Entity Framework
- Manipulating groups of Entities with business logic classes
Applying S.O.L.I.D. principles of class design
- Single Responsibility
- Open–Closed
- Liskov Substitution
- Interface Segregation
- Dependency Inversion
Easing data access code
- Reducing database access code by exploiting Entity Navigation Properties
- Eliminating database update code with Entity change tracking
Enhancing application code
- Automating design reviews with FxCop and Code analyzer
- Reducing User Interface code with Data Binding